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Khampani Overview

Litaba tsa Khampani

Khampani Overview


Jiangsu Maggie Medical Technology Co., Ltd. e thehiloe ka 2010 'me ke e mong oa barekisi ba China ba mafolofolo le ba nang le boiphihlelo ba ho etsa lisebelisoa tsa bongaka tsa bongaka le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le tsona. Khamphani hajoale e na le mekhahlelo e mehlano e meholo ea lihlahisoa, ho kenyelletsa le li-non vascular stent series, li-staplers tsa ho buoa, li-implants tsa opereishene ea sefuba, lisebelisoa tsa ho buoa, le likhatiso tsa bongaka tsa 3D. Li-implants tsa masapo li arotsoe ka ho eketsehileng ka ho lokisa ka hare ho mahlomola, ho lokisa mokokotlo oa mokokotlo, le manonyeletso a maiketsetso a ntseng a tsoela pele.

Maggie Medical e fumaneha Wujin High tech tech Industrial Development Zone, Profinseng ea Jiangsu, e nka sebaka sa 10000m², E na le moaho o tloaelehileng oa feme ea 5000m², workshop ea tlhoekiso 300m², workshop ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele 300m²; Tlhahiso, lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, le litsebi tsa tsamaiso tse nang le litlotla tsa profeshenale le tsa tekheniki li nka karolo e fetang 40% ea palo eohle ea basebetsi. E itšetlehile ka tšehetso ea tekheniki le tšebelisano-'moho e haufi e tsoang liunivesithing tse kang Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Southern Medical University, South China University of Technology, le Changzhou Science and Education City, Khamphani ea rona e na le bokhoni bo matla ba ho etsa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele le bokhoni ba ho sebetsa le ho hlahisa Chaena. Re latela ka tieo litekanyetso tsa ISO le CMD tsa ts'ebetso, 'me ka boleng bo tšepahalang le ts'ebeletso e nahanang, e fumane kananelo e atileng limmarakeng tsa lehae le kantle ho indasteri.

Holo ea Pontšo ea Lihlahisoa tsa Khamphani

Holo ea Pontšo ea Lihlahisoa tsa Khamphani

Taolo ea Boleng

Khamphani ea rona e sebetsa ka thata ho latela sistimi ea boleng ea ISO13485, 'me lilemong tsa morao tjena, e ntse e tsoela pele ho fetola le ho ntlafatsa, maemo le taolo e ntlafalitsoeng, e ntlafalitse taolo eohle ea ts'ebetso, mme e thehile sistimi e felletseng ea taolo ea boleng ba machaba.

Ho tloha halofo ea pele ea 2022, butle-butle re kentse mekhoa ea tsamaiso ea tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa digital e kang PLM le MES, 'me butle-butle re ntse re haha ​​​​sethala se pharaletseng sa digital bakeng sa mekhoa ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, ho phalla ha lihlahisoa, mekhoa ea tsamaiso ea tlhahiso, le mekhoa ea tsamaiso ea boleng. Ka mekhoa ea dijithale, re fihlela taolo e nepahetseng ea lipatlisiso tsohle, nts'etsopele le tlhahiso. Ka nako e ts'oanang, k'hamphani e reka lisebelisoa tse ngata tse nepahetseng tsa ho sebetsa ka mokhoa o nepahetseng, ho kenyelletsa le litsi tsa machining tse tsoang Jeremane le United States, li-lathe tsa ho itšeha ka nako e telele tse tsoang Japane, joalo-joalo, ho netefatsa boleng ba boemo ba pele ka boemo ba pele. thepa.

Ho tloha ka 2022, Maggie o tsetetse ka tatellano ho feta li-yuan tse limilione tse 20 ho holisa setsi sa tlhahlobo sa k'hamphani, se arotsoeng ka laboratori ea biomechanical le setsi sa tlhahlobo ea 'mele le lik'hemik'hale, se fana ka ts'ehetso e matla bakeng sa taolo ea thepa e tala ea k'hamphani, taolo ea boleng ba sehlahisoa, le. tlhahlobo e ncha ea ts'ebetso ea sehlahisoa.

Setsi sa Teko sa Biomechanics

Setsi sa Teko sa Biomechanics

Setsi sa Tlhahlobo ea 'Mele le Lik'hemik'hale

Setsi sa Tlhahlobo ea 'Mele le Lik'hemik'hale


Ka boikutlo ba saense le bo tiileng, boqapi bo tsoelang pele ba theknoloji, le kutloisiso e tebileng ea meriana ea bongaka, re hlahisa le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tsa bongaka tsa boleng bo phahameng tse loketseng tšebeliso ea bongaka, le ho ntlafatsa maemo a bophelo le bophelo ba batho. Ho kenya letsoho ka lebaka la Huasen ho ntlafatsa boemo ba indasteri ea bongaka ea China.


Lefatšeng leo thekenoloji e ntseng e tsoela pele ho finyella karolo e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea bophelo ba rona ba letsatsi le leng le le leng, Maggie Medical e ikemiselitse ho ba mofani oa tharollo ea ka sehloohong litabeng tsa tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle le theknoloji ea ts'ebetsong, ho leka ho ba moetapele ea hlomphehang oa indasteri.

Boitlamo ba Brand

Boitlamo ba mofuta oa Maggie ke "ts'ebetso le bonolo", bo kenyelletsang lihlahisoa le litharollo tseo re fanang ka tsona e le tse etellang pele, tse sebelisoang habonolo, le tse etselitsoeng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa basebelisi bohle ba rona, ho sa tsotelehe hore na ba tsoa kae lefatšeng.