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Endoscopic stent placement surgery

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Endoscopic stent placement surgery


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Endoscopic stent placement is a technique that uses endoscopy to place a stent in an obstructed or narrowed digestive tract to reconstruct its unobstructed function. Suitable for esophageal cancer obstruction, esophageal cancer stenosis, malignant obstruction of pylorus and duodenum, colorectal cancer obstruction, benign biliary pancreatic duct stenosis, biliary pancreatic drainage, anastomotic fistula, etc. For patients with advanced cancerous obstruction or stenosis, this surgery is considered palliative surgery Surgical method 1. Anesthesia methods and precautions The anesthesia methods are divided into local anesthesia and general anesthesia Local anesthesia: 2%~4% lidocaine is used for pharyngeal anesthesia, spray or oral administration. ② General anesthesia: For individuals with mental stress or children who cannot cooperate, general anesthesia should be used more often. The dosage of anesthetic drugs varies from person to person. 2. Surgical operation methods (1) The patient should be placed in a prone position or partially left leaning prone position, and in special circumstances, they can be placed in a left or supine position. (2) Routine endoscopic examination identifies the location of the lesion. Under X-ray fluoroscopy, a guide wire is inserted through the endoscopic forceps and a contrast tube is inserted. Water soluble contrast agent such as meglumine diatrizoate is injected to observe the condition of the lesion. (3) Choose a suitable stent and push it to the affected area (such as a narrow or obstructed area) through a guide wire under X-ray fluoroscopy. Alternatively, insert the stent into the endoscope along the stent pushing system to release the stent under direct endoscopic view. (4) Under X-ray fluoroscopy and endoscopic direct view, timely correct the position of the stent release and release the stent, and remove the implant. (5) For patients undergoing bile duct or pancreatic duct surgery, after releasing the stent, they should try to attract bile or pancreatic juice and contrast agent as much as possible, and confirm that the drainage is unobstructed before retracting the endoscope. (6) X-ray film to confirm the position of the brack